Gosh! What about this for the most fantastic proposal I certainly have ever seen, and probably you too.
The action, and reason for the girl throwing the water over the guy will become apparent in due course but just get a load of the action in this video. I wonder how many bucks that lot cost. Of course the flash mob element really appeals to me - so funny and absolutely fantastic . . . . . . BUT . . . . . some would argue they left someone out. Obviously there will be others who disagree.
But back to flash mob dancing. At first I thought the guy was fabulously wealthy and had spent mega-bucks on this surprise. However, it is not the case at all - the whole thing was arranged by a flash mob outfit. I have found a full video which shows the entire concept from start to finish, ending of course with a re-run of the first video. This time, though, it includes rigth at the start more of the sequence of the long black haired lady with green eyes (I think) throwing a cup of water over the guy and shouting, "Screw you!" - all part of the act, of course, since she was pretending to be a former girlfriend to wind up his current lady friend. This bewildered girl, although initially upset, was later literally swept off her feet by 1017 flash mob dancers and of course her selfless boyfriend, as she describes him.. At first he looked manipulative and controlling - but apparently not so. One thing is sure - she will never forget that day.
It's a bit lengthy but well worth the viewing.