Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Anyone For A Mozart Turkish Rondo?

What!! Four Hands Playing A Guitar!!

This is absolutely brilliant.
My mother used to play this well on a piano but this is something else.

I think Mozart would have been highly amused and probably quite impressed.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Words Don't Come Easy To Me

Hi everyone. I thought you might like a look see another photograph of Maggie and I when we were little, again seated on the deckchair. Then as you are all so nice I think I ought to sing you a song called, Words Don't Come Easy".

This could be every bloggers song because words don't always come easy, although on my last post at Clouds And Silvery Linings I used a fair few trying to explain the antics of Freddie Bluelights with his lecture on why women can multi-task better than us menfolk, see HERE.
Don't believe a word of it - I have a picture of an ancient monk transcribing biblical manuscripts. Unbelievably he has a pen in each hand and he is writing different things neatly all at the same time. Now that's what I call multi-tasking LOL.

Anyway this song is just for you - I heard it on the radio today and made a beeline to find a suitable YouTube rendition, and here it is . I have always loved this song.
So this is just for you from Eddie Blue Eyes.


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